Rachael's Christmas Journey
*Photo representative of the women we serve.
“This was all I’d wanted for Christmas. Life isn’t perfect, but we are healing. We are hopeful. We are home.”
I was sexually assaulted at age 9 and trafficked by the time I was 15. So, when my ex-husband began selling me to fuel his drug addiction, it was hard to envision something better. Even though I’d never had it, I wanted better... Not just for myself, but for my 8-year-old son, Gabriel*. He gave me courage to leave.
Scared and on our own for the first time, I cautiously reached out to End Slavery Tennessee (ESTN). ESTN helped us. Because of them we found safe housing, which then allowed me to start my healing. For the first time ever, I had hope.
I wanted so badly to make this Christmas special for Gabriel, but honestly, I could barely afford rent.
One day at the Care Center, my Care Coordinator surprised me with a gift... well, gifts. It must be a mistake. “Rachael, we had a long list of people who wanted to help. One gift card is to shop for Gabriel, and one is a gift for you. Merry Christmas!” It didn’t stop there. There were decorated Christmas trees everywhere - Gabe and I picked one out to take home with us!
I had never been given anything without someone expecting something from me in return.
Tears rolled down my face. I could see it — a vision of a Christmas morning I never had... Gabe opening gifts next to OUR Christmas tree… hot chocolate nearby as “All I Want for Christmas” plays in the background. This was all I’d wanted for Christmas. Life isn’t perfect, but we are healing. We are hopeful. We are home.
Rachael is a Survivor in ESTN’s aftercare program.
*Name and some details changed to protect confidentiality.