TAMHO Symposiums
TAMHO hosted two Symposiums on August 28th at Hotel Preston in Nashville. One Symposium Track --Responding to the Behavioral Health Needs of Children and Families in Tennessee— featured the speakers pictured below and focused on trauma-informed care that is grounded in evidence-based research and practices used at TAMHO member organizations. There were also two special panels—one from three child-serving state departments (DCS, DHS and TDMHSAS), along with an update from the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet-- and a second panel discussion on Human Trafficking in Tennessee. For more information on Human Trafficking, follow the links:
TBI Report from 2011 - outlines the scope of Human Sex Trafficking in Tennessee - http://www.tbi.tn.gov/documents/FINALTNHumanSexTraffickingStudyColorrev.pdf
The Tennessee Department of Human Services' Tennessee Human Trafficking Services Coordination and Service Delivery Plan, as per Public Chapter 963 - empowering Tennesseans through human trafficking education, awareness and coordinated service delivery in order to transition those impacted from a state of victimization to one of survivorship - is accessible at http://www.tn.gov/humanserv/adfam/TDHS-2013-HT-Plan.pdf.
Statistics from Global, National, State and City level http://www.endslaverytn.org/the- problem/real-here-growing/
Red Flags-Possible indicators for human trafficking victims http://www.endslaverytn.org/get- involved/redflags/
Resources for therapists http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/07/humantrafficking/treating/ib.htm