Weekly Update - August 21, 2015

This week at the End Slavery Tennessee office:

  • On Tuesday, Alison Krauss visited the ESTN office to meet staff and learn more about our work and mission. Alison is the keynote speaker this year at our third annual benefit luncheon on September 22nd. Her heart and genuine passion to help others shines through and we are blessed and honored to have her as our special guest.
  • Wednesday was a fun day at the office. Our entire safe house of survivors hung out at the office all day along with Ondrea's dog, Franklin, who served as a therapy dog for the day. Two of the survivors really latched on to Franklin and loved being able to just sit and pet him as well as take naps with him. Needless to say he was a little worn out by days end, but the girls loved his company so much. Survivors and staff also had a quick office dance party and enjoyed watching the each others sweet moves.
  • Thursday, Stacy Elliott volunteered to present to a group of college students from Washington as our summer youth training sessions concluded. Ondrea also met with a representative from the Dave Ramsey Foundation who is interested in partnering and making connections around the community with churches and organizations to help ESTN's mission continue to thrive and grow . 
  • Today, Angela is hosting a volunteer training for nine of our new volunteers, Derri is interviewing applicants for our Director of Development position, Shelia is attending the second Grace Empowered Project , Yvette is advocating for a survivor in court and Jennifer is with a survivor who is visiting with her daughter for the first time in years.

As always, be sure to stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter to get updates about survivors, current needs, and latest news. 

Caitlin Reed