Getting the Word Out


by Karen Karpinski, Director of Education

As the Director of Education for End Slavery Tennessee I spend a good deal of time providing education for professional organizations to help them focus on and understand the trauma and mindset of human trafficked victims.  But I am reminded frequently that those who volunteer with End Slavery Tennessee often do not fully understand what we do and what the work with survivors actually looks like. 

Certainly we do lots of education to all segments of the community, and volunteer presenters are key resources for those presentation.   These programs include: what human trafficking is, what forms it takes, who is vulnerable and why, where the referrals come from, as well as suggestions for actions that anyone can take to help in the fight to end this crime. It is the first part of our T.A.P. acronym.

Stay tuned for the continuation of this discussion in our next newsletter.​

Caitlin Reed