ESTN Library Spotlight
By: Clarice Grooms, ESTN Librarian
BOOK: Not In My Town
AUTHORS: Dillon Burroughs and Charles Powel
Not in Our Town introduces readers to human trafficking in the United States as well as internationally. It addresses the responsibility of businesses that display advertisements on billboards up and down the highways in the United State, real estate companies who lease space to accommodate the services available, and the many Christians who pass these advertisements and churches who turn a blind eye to the activities.
Not in Our Town originally was meant to be a battle cry for those individuals who choose to stand up against human trafficking and modern day slavery in our own communities. Many use the phrase as a response to the misconception that slavery does not exist in their neighborhood. The authors are advocates on a mission with The Mercy Movement, seeking solutions to humanitarian crises. They tell the stories from hands on experience and a Christian worldview.