Ending Slavery in Nashville: What’s happened, what’s new and what’s coming up next
Highlights of the First Four Months
- Human Trafficking 101 meeting at The Village Chapel .Yes, slavery DOES happen right here!
- First Anti-Slavery Group Started- led by Pax Wiemers, with 30 some engaged activists ready for action and popping out new ideas for action faster than microwave popcorn!
- Booth at Sexual Assault Center (SAC)'s Walk in Their Shoes event downtown. Simone and Stacy help and encourage.
- We're on TeeVee: : Derri and Pax speak about human trafficking on channel 5's Open Line on April 7, and survive!
- Alli Rogers offers free downloads of her lovely music if you share with five friends, OR you can donate any amount, profits going to Not For Sale Campaign. Run, don't walk, to www.notforsaletn.org and find Ali's widget. Donate and make beautiful music in more ways than one.
What's Happening in April?
- Anti-Slavery Group meeting Thursday, April 16th at 6:00 SHARP in the Green Hill's Library meeting room. Led by Pax Wiemers. You don't want to miss it!
- Ashley's Wehmeyer's Traffic-Stopping Art Show with special performance by Tin Cup Gypsy will be April 21, 6:30-9:30 in the Massey Business Center's Neily dining hall- Numerous area artists have donated their work to sell, to raise funds for abolitionist work. Invite friends. Invite people you'd like to become aware of slavery in our own backyards. Invite people who might buy paintings! Come hang out, eat, enjoy music and art and have a great time with us!
- Belmont University: Derri will be speaking May 4th at 4:00 pm. Room TBA. Come make faces at her in the back of the room.
- Abolitionist Academy in Adrian, Michigan April 17-19. Derri and Bill Smith and Beth Wright will be attending, and coming back charged up and full of new ideas! Watch out!
What's New?
- Free2Work
- Become a researcher. Post your picture. Very cool.